Thursday, March 21, 2019

How to Win the Lottery With the Law of Attraction - The 3-Step Daily Process

Using the law of attraction to win the lottery is like manifesting any other goal or desire, but sometimes it can be hard to know exactly what to do when trying to attract something very specific. This article is going to share a simple, 3-step process that you can use daily to begin attracting money through lottery wins.

Step One:

As with manifesting any goal, it is vital to visualize the output you want. In this case, you want to visualize yourself being a lottery winner. But there are several ways to do that, right? Any of them will work.

You can visualize yourself having already won and enjoying the money.

You can visualize yourself actually winning - seeing the winning numbers on your ticket.

You can visualize yourself winning but focus only on the emotional joy and excitement that you feel.

You can visualize yourself going to the lottery office to pick up your check.

You can visualize yourself going to the bank to deposit your check ... and so on.

Spend time each day (a minimum of 10 minutes a day) visualizing any or all of these scenes with a lot of excitement and happiness.

Step Two:

Let go of the desire to win when you are not actively visualizing. You do not want to obsess over it because that can quickly turn into "attachment" which will block the wins from arriving. (Have you noticed that when you want "need" to receive something it stays away?)

Instead, go about your daily activities and do not think too much about the lottery. Buy your tickets like usual - DO NOT spend excessively on tickets in the hopes that you will win faster; just buy the amount you normally do without you feel a strong nudge to buy an extra one.

Step Three:

Stay open to inspired nudges! Once you begin actively working with the law of attraction to win the lottery, you may start getting "feelings" about certain tickets, or a set of numbers may jump out at you and you'll get a feeling you should play them. Pay attention to these feelings and follow them when you can.

Do not be surprised if sometimes nothing comes from them sometimes - it's all part of the learning process as you develop your intuition and align with the income you are focusing on (winning). As you go along your hunches should get clear and more accurate.

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