Saturday, March 30, 2019

Construction For Climate Control

We need to construct for climate control because comfort requires more than just providing warmth in winter and coolness in summer. True comfort means a correct temperature, correct humidity, or amount of moisture in the air, and clean, fresh, odorless air. The achievement of this ideal comfort, or air conditioning, is achieved through the use of a heating system, a cooling system, air filters, and humidifiers. Climate control construction plans show systems of maintaining specific degrees of temperature, amounts of moisture, and the exchange of odorless air.

Many different systems can be used to heat and cool a building. The effective use of insulation, ventilation, roof overhang, caulking, weather stripping, and solar orientation helps to increase the efficiency of any climate control system.

Heating and cooling systems

1. Radiation - In radiation, heat flows to a cooler surface through space in the same way light travels. The air is not warm but the cooler object it strikes becomes warm. The object, in turn, warms the air that surrounds it.
2. Convection - In convection, a warm surface heats the air about it. The warm air rises and cool air moves into take its place, causing a convection current.

3. Conduction - In conduct, heat moves through a solid material. The density the material, the better it will conduct heat. Example is, iron conducts heat better than wood.

Insulation is a material used to stop the transfer of heat. It helps keep heat inside in the winter and outside in the summer. In an imperfectly constructed house, cracks around doors, windows and fireplaces can combine to make the equivalent of a hole of sufficient size to lose all internal heat in less than an hour. Weather stripping and caulking can prevent this heat loss.

Heating devices:
1. warm-air units
2. hot-water units
3. Steam units
4. electric heat

A building is air-conditioned by removing heat. Heat can be transferred in one direction only. A central air-conditioning system absorbs heat from the house and transfers it to a liquid refrigerant, usually freon. Warm air is transported away from rooms through ducts to the air-conditioning unit where a filter removes dust and other impurities

Cooling units - The cooling unit can be part of the heating unit using the same blower, vent, and perimeter ducts. In this kind of system, the cool air rises against the warm walls in the summer and cools the house. The average small house can be conveniently cooled with central air-conditioning units.

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