Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Watercolor Painting - Benefits and Drawbacks of Watercolor Painting

The most rudimentary form of painting with the brushes could be related to watercolor painting, as it is the primary step in the painting field, to get accustomed with the colors and the strokes of the brushes. This form of work is mostly found effective, to a great extent, considering the fact that it allows you to learn the strokes with a paint brush, before proceeding onto more daunting techniques. At the same time you also get the rough idea of mixing the paints, to get the desired effect. On discussing about this art we come across several aspects, which can be debated upon or could be put aside as the shortcomings or benefits of the art.

Several positive aspects

Watercolor paintings are an easy art, as far as the painting techniques with the paint brushes are concerned. The necessary ingredients required for watercolor painting could be easily available in the market, along with the water that is in free flow in every home. The watercolors are generally watering soluble pigments, which can be easily affordable by the individuals, and the water to dissolve the pigment is available at the workplace and even at home.  

All this makes the technique of watercolor painting so popular among the younger learners, who seek to get a good grasp on the painting techniques. Even the application of colors and the movement of strokes could be very well mastered, through the watercolor painting. It is much easier process than the others and allows us to feel free to experiment with the colors, as they are within affordable limits.

Some of the negative effects

Although, people say that the watercolor painting technique is a very easy process and saves a lot of money, they forget to consider the after effects of the watercolor painting. There are several disadvantages of maintaining a watercolor painting due to several reasons, like problem with pigmentation, colors being water soluble and few others. You might have noted that watercolor paintings are mostly done on paper, varying between several qualities, which tend to turn yellow after quite a few years.

Moreover, the watercolors being soluble with water are prone to water damage in the long run, where the entire painting might be ruined. Preservation for a watercolor painting can be really difficult considering these aspects, as you never know when some accidents might lead to contamination of water over the painting, dissolving the paint and ruining it.

When we take up the aspects of the pigments present with the paper texture, we do not wonder about the bonding of the pigments with the texture. For this reason, when the pigments seem to come off the paper and the painting seems to get dull over the days, you feel astonished at the incident, causing us further trouble to restore it.

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