Friday, January 25, 2019

How to Be a Better Husband and Make Her Yours Forever

There are millions of men who want to be a better husband in their lives. That's why; today I decided to give you some precious tips which are still hidden only under the collars of desirable men. Now, I do not want to paint an impressive painting of me in which I am dating with thousands of women or having sex with millions of girls. Also, I am not divorced. Actually, it is very important to clear you this because most of the advices on internet are from excluded men or pick-up artists. They only make you focus on pick-up lines, humor or orgasms. Seriously, I do not understand that how it is possible to win the heart of your wife through orgasms. Though, these things definitely matter in relationship but these are only the tip of an ice-berg.

When I look back at the history, it reveals that men were highly masculine and passionate about their work. They were great husbands, aggressive e warriors and desirable lovers. Even in this century, women still find them extremely attractive. I was thrilled to know that women also fantasize about having sex with warriors. It looks to us that women drool over today's superstars but when it comes to the sexual fantasies of women, it is totally different.

It is now clear that there are much more hidden secrets of attraction which we need to explore because the game has been changed. Now, even women do not know that what they exactly want. There is not any woman in the world who can explain her desirable man in one sentence. You just need to be the whole man. If you want to be a better husband then be her greatest lover, masculine man and wild sexual lion.


Researches, surveys, women and experts have proven many times that money never makes you the greatest lover. But, it does not mean that you keep your bank accounts empty. At least, your wife should know that you are doing effort passionately for achieving your goals. If you keep yourself passionless and think that money is not everything then you are doing the biggest mistake. You have to be a goal oriented person. Greatest lovers are not the beggars. They are desirable not only for their wives but also for every woman. If you want to be the greatest lover then you must set your goals and passionately achieve them because greatest lovers fulfill all the desires of their wives and family.

"Women are extremely attracted to those men that go after their goals and achieve them."

In novel or movies, a great lover always holds some art under his collar. He masters something special that keeps the attraction alive in relationship. Your excellence in something different makes you desirable for women. Now, do not argument with me on this because if you want to be the greatest lover then you have to do some effort. There are many things that can make you phenomenal in your wife's eyes. For example, coffee reading, piano, magic, mind reading, sketching, painting, tango dance and writing etc. Your domination in something unique will not only keep the appeal alive in your relationship but also your wife will proud on you. As I said earlier, greatest lovers are experts in something unique.


You can never be a better husband if you are not a masculine man. Many people believe that masculinity is all about having muscles. In fact, this concept is thoroughly wrong. A masculine man lives with his values. He keeps his values ​​on higher ranks. He is a man with authority and he never compromises on his values ​​also. Passion exists in his life. He is an achiever. He knows how to set the boundaries and when to break them. A greatest lover is always a masculine man. In relationship, he unlocks the wild sexual side of women and makes women worship him like a "SEXUAL GOD".

Now, let's take a look at some other things that make you masculine and create extreme attraction. Women love a handyman in their lives. It is because a handyman is extremely attractive for them. If you fix broken things at home, wash your car, do the dishes and make food then you can make her yours forever. Above all, a handyman exists in her sexual fantasies. You can do many other things for projecting yourself as a masculine man. For example, you should open doors for her, lift bag of groceries for her and bring flowers for her in front of his friends / family.


Women vigorously desire that masculine man in their lives who can ravish them like a wild sexual lion. A masculine man is always great at giving and receiving sexual pleasures. He ravishes his wife thoroughly for fulfilling her wild sexual fantasies. He knows that sexual domination is all about unlocking the wild sexual side of women. He unlocks the wild sexual side of women with his secret visits. For example, he always appears with his suit and attaché case. He knows that attaché case promises respect and increase her sexual values. Also, he keeps his status high by projecting his sexual authority like a wild sexual lion. You have to project your sexual authority in order to be a better husband.

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