Friday, January 25, 2019

Choosing an Impact Wrench For the Home Workshop

Impact wrenches are one of the most used workshop tools by any automotive mechanic. The ability to quickly, efficiently and safely fix or loosen a bolt means that they are almost indispensable. However, many home mechanics still rely on a bar and brute force, often catching their knuckles in the process.

These days there is a wide range of impact wrenches aimed at the home mechanic. While traditionally only wrenches powered by compressed air were worth considering, there are now also some really good electric, and even wordless impact wrenches to choose from.

For most home mechanics a 1/2 "drive will be more than capable, so long as the wrench is capable of delivering enough torque. means at least 18, and preferably 24 volts.

If you're going to be working on large vehicles, such as 1 ton trucks or farm machinery then a 1 "drive would probably be a better choice. sockets reflecting longer and being less likely to shear.

The choice between air, electric or cordless is a personal choice, and partly dependent on how often you'll be using the wrench. If you're a very keen enthusiast, or if working on cars is also a part time business then an air impact wrench is probably the best solution. If however you'll only be using it occasionally then an electrical unit from one of the well known brand names would be fine.

Whatever type you choose, I can guarantee one thing - you'll never want to go back to using a bar and brute force again!

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