Saturday, November 17, 2018

Coolest Trends in Home Automation Technology for Your Home

For those who follow cutting-edge technology news, it's no secret that home automation technology is becoming more and more popular. "Smart homes" are not only cool, but also offer an incentive amount of functionality that can not be matched by homes that do not incorporate automation. As technology advances, trends come and go. Most people would agree, however, that it's safe to say that home automation is here to stay, and that it will only become more and more advanced as time goes on. The following are some of the coolest trends in home automation technology for your home.

Automated Drapery Systems

Hate tying up the drapes each and every morning? You are not alone, which is why automated drapery systems are quickly finding themselves in more and more homes each year. With just the push of a button, you can command your drapes into their upright positions seamlessly and without effort. Automated drapery systems are not only cool looking, they are just another functional way to streamline your day.

Electronic Sconces

While traditional sconces are finding themselves getting phased out of homes as each year passes, electronic sconces are gaining in popularity, ending up in some of the most modern and progressive homes on the planet. LED powered sconces not only save on electricity, they are able to provide a unique and warm lighting that can not be reproduced by any other type of fixture. To add a touch of class and progressiveness to your home, electronic sconces are the perfect solution.

Home Lighting Control

Perhaps the most common and useful form of automation technology on the market is home lighting control. From a single hub, users can control every light in the house, and can perform a number of options, including dimming. Instead of running to the top floor to turn off a forgotten light, users can simply turn it off with a remote from where they are currently located. Home lighting control is a staple of home automation technology, and has streamlined the homes of thousands of individuals so far.

Automated Access Control

Chances are that anyone with a home that utilizes automation technology will want to have some form of security system installed. While it is important to have a standard security system in place, automated access control takes things one step further by only allowing inside people who know the access code. This technology is utilized in professional and medical facilities each and every day, and is fast becoming more and more commonplace within homes across the world. With automated access control, you'll never have to worry about who has access to your home and who does not. Automated access control is also a great way to seal off access to specific rooms in your home, such as an office or studio.

Projection Screens

Many people who own smart homes equip them with projection screens to watch television and surf the Internet on, and for good reason. Not only do projection screens employ a high resolution, they can really raise the cool factor of whatever room they're in. Combined with a great surround sound system, projection screens make for the ultimate in home theater.

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