Sunday, October 28, 2018

Turning an Idea Into a Success - Small Business Ideas

For example, did you know that small businesses account for more than 99.7% of all employers? That's a lot of people working for small business owners, and you could be one of those employers.

Dave Thomas, the founder of Wendy's fast food franchise, died a billionaire because of his idea for making fresh food fast. He dropped out of high school when he was 15. This proves that you do not have to have a college degree or a high level of education in business to be successful. You've just got to have the right idea, at the right time, and the right resources. George Eastman (Kodak), Frank Lloyd Wright, Kemmons Wilson (Holiday Inn hotel founder), and Ray Kroc (McDonald's founder) never finished a high school education, either. That's a lot of well-known billionaires who never got a formal education or a high school diploma.

What does that mean for your business? That means that if you have a high school diploma, you're even closer to success. If you have college education, you can probably bet that you'll be successful much faster than these people were. You can go further and do more because you ARE educated. Steve Wozniak, a co-founder of Apple, Inc., did not complete college. Neither did Walt Disney, Bill Gates and Paul Allen (Microsoft founders), Steve Jobs (the other Apple co-founder), or half of the entrepreneurs that are running online businesses today.

These people all started their small businesses with two things: an idea and the motivation to see that idea through to the end.They used their resources and what they learned along the way to become successful, achieving millionaire or billionaire status and turning their 'small business' into a globally known company. Becoming a business owner allows you to control your destiny. If you want to have a successful business, you can definitely accomplish that with the drive and motivation.

For professional advice on starting a small business visit for a free telephone consultation.

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