Sunday, October 7, 2018

How to Make Your Karma Work For You

We've all heard the sayings, "you reap what you sow," and "you get back what you give," but how many of us have actually received that advice to heart? The concept of karma was not created purely to teach people how they should treat each other, it is a description of the way we create our own realities. What we give out we do indeed receive back in one form or another. This holds true whether it be in thought or in action and it is how the law of attraction works.

So how do you make karma work for you instead of against you? The answer is simple: control your thoughts and actions. Make every effort you can to think positively and always act from your heart. Who you are on the inside is far more important than you appear outwardly. If you are unsure of where you stand, just ask yourself the following questions:

Am I judgmental of myself or others? If yes, do not only change the words you speak, but if you notice yourself even thinking negative judgments about someone, immediately stop and look for something nice to think about them. Remember that what you think is just as powerful as what you say or do. Learn to control it.

Am I selfish, rude or inconsiderate? Learn to be more thoughtful of other people's needs and feelings. Think most how you would feel if the tables were reversed before acting at all times. Do not be a user, liar, or cheat. Do not abuse or take advantage of other people. Always treat every other person as you would want to be treated. This does not mean that you need to be a doormat or do things that are not in your best interest, always strive to keep the balance.

Am I kind, compassionate and generous? Learn to be kind and compassionate on all levels of your being. When you do something for someone, or give a gift, make sure that it comes from your heart. Be there for your friends and family when they need you. Love fully and deeply. Be compassionate toward all people and all of our animal friends we share this world with as well. True kindness and compassion does not see color, sex, age, status, beauty or even species. True kindness and compassion are two of the most important things we can ever master in our lifetime and the rewards can be generous.

Am I an optimist or pessimist? It is always better to have a positive outlook than a negative one. What we give out (our thoughts and expectations as well as our actions) is what we will receive. Would you rather receive the results of positive thinking or negative thinking? The choice is yours.

Am I grateful? Learn to practice gratitude for everything in your life, including the little things. Graciously accept gifts and help as they are given to you. Most importantly, be grateful for the loved ones you have in your life as they are your greatest gifts from the universe.

Do I have faith? Learn to be at peace with where you right now, even if it is not as you had planned. Learn to trust the universe to guide you toward your highest fulfillment, even when it has to drag you through the mud to get you there. Always have faith and know that everything is as it needs to be for your greatest good.

What we experience in life is the product of everything we have ever thought, said or done. Learn to focus on the positive, be compassionate, gentle, loving and kind. When you can learn to truly live this way, from the inside out, karma will always be on your side.

Disclaimer: this article is intended for inspirational purposes only and the techniques and ideas described here are not to be used as a substitute for professional medical or psychological treatment or without prior consultation with, approval of, and under the supervision of your physician or therapist. Application of the information, techniques and ideas in this article is at the sole risk and discretion of the reader.

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