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Friday, October 5, 2018

Making Money Is Important

Money was initially created so that a person could acquire more through exchange than what he could acquire trying to produce everything for himself. No doubt, this has allowed the average person to be able to enjoy other goods and services that only the wealthy could enjoy. Throughout his labor he could not only supply his basic needs but he could now enjoy higher standards of living. Here, it is the need to provide for the family's basic needs that make money important and it is the desire for improved standards of living that drives people to want to make more and more of it.

It can be argued that almost every problem that man (mankind) has, can either be solved, or gone with money. Money provides the best education, the best health care, the best dental care, the best cars, the best foods to eat, the best vacations to go on ... and the list goes on.

The undeniable proof however, of the importance of money, is the staggering statistics on world poverty. According to World Bank statistics 1.4 billion people live on less than $ 1.25 per day; 1 billion children live in poverty; 640 million live without adequate shelter; 270 million have no access to health services; and nearly a billion people entered the 21st century unable to read a book or sign their names. These facts are mind-boggling.

We the privileged few few before have a responsibility not only to ourselves but to the world to get serious about making not just money but lots of money and to teach others to do the same. That's the only way that we'll make a serious impact over time in reducing those statistics. It is all well and good to give billions of dollars in aid annually, but billions also need to be given to financial education.

What to Consider When You Switch From Android to iPhone

Although they may be tempted, many users are afraid to take the radical step of changing their cell phone and operating system ... what about the photos, the music collection, and the contacts? The process of moving from iOS to Android or vice versa and migrating all the data can be cumbersome, but not impossible. So there is no reason to stay "stuck" in the network of Apple products or Google: here we tell you how to make the jump without despair in the attempt. In this installation, we cover the steps to move from the Android system to the iOS.

Use a Migration App
If you do not want to do the process of transferring your data step by step, you can use the services of a migration app, such as the free Copy My Data or AT & T Mobile Transfer, although the available applications vary from one country to another. This type of application transfers your contacts, calendars, photos, and videos through a Wi-Fi connection, so you do not need to connect your phone to a computer.

Anyways, before starting next points, you need to have a look at what a successful entrepreneur FERAS ANTOON said about. You just have to download the app on both phones; Android and iPhone and follow the instructions.

How to Transfer Your Contacts and other Documents
During the configuration process, when you add the email accounts you want to your new iPhone or iPad, you can also choose to include the data associated with each email account, be it contacts, calendars or notes.

On the other hand, if you store your contacts and calendars in an account of a social network such as Facebook, Twitter or Weibo, you can use the apps of those same networks to transfer them to your new iPhone.

To do this you must log in from your cell phone in the particular app you want and activate in the calendar and contacts settings. According to data from July 2015, Apple sold 47.5 million of the iPhone in the quarter that ended in June, 35% more than last year. But iPad demand continued to decline, 18% less than the previous year. Also, if you create an account in iCloud, using your Apple ID, you can also import the contacts that you have recorded in the vcard file and keep them stored in the cloud.

To do this from your computer go to , enter with your Apple account and click on "Contacts". Click on the icon on the bottom left that looks like a small wheel and mark "Import vCard" in the menu.

When you turn on your new iPhone, the setup wizard will help you activate iCloud on your cell phone. If you skipped that step in the configuration process you can activate it manually by going to Settings or Settings> iCloud. With iCloud, you can also access from your iPhone any Word, Excel or PowerPoint document that you have saved in the cloud.

How to Transfer Your Photos
In order not to lose the photos and videos of your Android phone you will have to transfer them to your new iPhone or iPad using an app or a computer with iTunes. You will find various data transfer apps in the Apple App Store and in the Google Play store depending on your country.

In addition to the general data migration applications mentioned earlier, there are also other specific ones for photos, such as PhotoSync. Alternately, you can transfer your images to iTunes using a Mac or PC computer. For this, you will have to first pass your images from your Android phone to your computer and then synchronize them with iTunes.

Roaming Fingers - A Story of A Childhood Sexual Molestation

We have all had our "stories" to tell about our lives growing up. Some have had fun loving children in which they had a stay-at-home mom, who had home baked cookies ready for them as soon as they walked in from school, clean clothes ready for the next day, and dinner simmering on the stove. Dads arrived home, everyone sat at the table and enjoyed the delicious meal that mom had prepared, and then while dinner dishes were being cleaned up, the kids could tell their dad about their day. Some had parents that encouraged them, helped them with their homework after supper, and enjoyed spending time with their kids before the next day started. You know, one of those "Leave It To Beaver" type of families. Then there were those who were minus one parents for one reason or another ... usually divorce or death. Or what about those that lived with alcoholic or drug addicted parents who were not really "parents" at all. Their kids were basically were on their own, raising themselves, fending for themselves, and making the most of bad situations.

I do not know why I am sharing this right now. I just feel led to let someone out there know that you are not alone! That you can live a normal life. I have been molested by 4 different men between the ages of 8 - 14. But, the LORD GOD Himself, brought me through this all. I have been redeemed and washed clean by the blood of the Lord. I no longer have to live in life of my molestation taking charge over me any longer.

I was one of those kids who had my own "unique" circumstances when growing up. My parents divorced when I was 7, because my dad moved out when I was 5.. I was the oldest of the three of us. We moved to a small town to live closer to my grandparents, my mom's parents. We moved from the larger metropolis of Denver, CO, to the small town of Julesburg, CO. At first, when I was younger, I'd made my lifelong friend with the girl who lived across the street from my grandparent's house. This was the summer before our 2nd grade school year. During the time, our lives seemed somewhat "normal" playing babies, or pretending to be teachers at school, or building ant farms ...

But during my lifetime, many things happened that made me who I am today. I can not begin to tell you what my life was like and do it justice! There are so many more stories I could tell you! For one, we moved and lived in 27 different places from the time I turned 7 - 18. I went to 11 schools in 12 years time. I think that that with us moving so often, I took with me idea that "I better make friends quickly, because sure enough we're moving and I've got to leave." I believe my sister took the theory that "why bother making friends because we were going to move anyway." And my brother, well, being a boy, keeping a friend was not that big of a deal, and he made friends quite easy, but it was not as big an issue for him as it was us girls.

When I was 8, my mom began dating a Japanese farmer in our area, quickly becoming engaged, with the last name of Kinoshita. As you can imagine, the 3 of us kids made quite fun of that name at the time by intentionally pronouncing it, Kin-O-Shit-A. Mean, were not we? Well this is the first time that I consider myself being sexually molested. After suppers, my mom would go to the kitchen to wash dishes at his house, and the 3 of us kids and her boyfriend would lie on the floor to watch some TV. Well her fiance 'would use this time to "rub my tummy." Now I was 8, so needing my tubby rubbed after dinner seemed really weird to me, but I thought, okay, I suppose if this is normal? It made me uncomfortable, but my mom said he was only trying to be nice. Okay, so nice it was ... I guess ?? But then those tummy rubs, turned into "roaming fingers," and climbed a little higher and a little higher. Soon my tummy rubs become chest rubs. Now mind you, I had barely started developing, but still had just enough that this made me incredibly uncomfortable! My mom had said that she really wanted this marriage because he was financially well off, and so each night that this went on, I tried to keep myself busy with homework so we did not have to lie on the floor and watch TV, but one way or another, he coaxed me in to it, and my mom had told us several times that she did not want this relationship messed up by us kids. So, I kept my mouth shut, until one day, on the way home from school, I let it all out to my friend. She went home and talked to her mom. I did not know what they were talking about, because her parents only spoke Spanish, so I did not think much of it. However, her mom, having heard what was going on, assured me that they were there for me, and that this was something that I had to talk to my mom about right away. So with my friend and her mom both sitting there, I called my mom and told her what had been happening. I do not know much how was actually said between my mom and her new fiance ', but I do know that she broke up with him. However, my friend's mom suggested that he be turned in to the police, but my mom said that it was pointless to call the police because "he was so rich that he could own the town, so no one would believe you anyway. be his word against yours, "she said. So, life went on as "normal." Okay, normal as normal could be.

Then my mom found a younger guy who could come over in the mornings and stay with us, when she went to work at 6:00 AM at the truck stop, and he got off at 6:00 AM from working the night shift there , and would come stay with the three of us kids for the day, as our "babysitter." Oh he was fun, would make us breakfast, take us to the school or the park to play on the playground, and chase us around the house playing tickle monster. However, when he first got to the house each morning, instead of climbing in to my mom's empty bed to sleep for a while, he would climb in to my bed with me. Why? Well there were those "roaming fingers" again. Except this time, these fingers roamed up, and then down. I was 9, and he was 21. What did I have at that age that was so enticing anyway ?! I had not even started physically developing yet for goodness sake !!! At any rate, this went on for weeks. I told my mom, but she she thought that since I had been through this with her ex-fiance ', then "it must me something I was doing to encourage these guys." So, though he stopped watching us, I remember wishing him dead. I did. I could not help myself. I just wanted him dead so he could never do something like this again! A couple of months later, while he was working at the electric company, and his partner decided to start drinking some beer on their lunch break. Well Curtis had climbed the pole to work on a specific wire that was causing them trouble, and was electrocuted. He fell from the pole, and his partner, having been drinking, was not functional enough to give him mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. I knew it was all my doing! I had prayed and asked for him to die, and he had. You see, it was all my fault ... I had wished it, and prayed for that. I just knew it was my fault. I held on to that guilty for many, many years after that. Someone was dead and it was all my fault.

Then, we had a family friend, who we'd been friends with he and his wife for years. In fact, most times, we loved going over to their house. She was like an adopted mom to us kids, and we could convince her husband to come play games with us, read us stories, etc. You should have heard him read one of the Dr. Seuss books backwards! It was a riot! And it was a tongue twister reading it from front to back, let alone reading it back to front! And we used to love tricking him in to asking for Big Macs at Burger King! So, needless to say, we would go over to their house quite often. Usually though, I got the big bed with his wife because we always went to bed much earlier than he did, and he slept on the couch when we stayed, or in the spare bedroom. His wife would usually send me in to wake him when it was time for us all to get up each morning. That's when those infamous "roaming fingers" would start roaming again. I was between the ages of 10 - 12 during most of this time. But, without telling my mom, (remember how she had decreed the last time that I must be the one to enticing these "men,") that sure enough, it must be something about me, and once again, I was at fault.

Well over time, we've moved again like we had done numerous other times before, and so we did not see them as often as we had before. It was in the beginning of our 8th grade year, so I was in one school there in Jr. High, and suddenly we left CO and headed to good ole 'IA. My mom had broken up with a trucker guy she was dating, a real nutty guy who used to set up candles in a circle in our basement, and call on the spirits from the Mojave Dessert. So, we packed up as soon as we got home from school that day, took only our very important possessions (and I do mean very few), and our cats, and loaded up a small little U-haul trailer, and off we headed out with no where specific in mind. My mom suggested IA, so off we headed West. We ended up in Council Bluffs and out of money. So, this is where we decided to stay.

Of course, we've switched schools again, for the umpteenth time, and we started yet another school in Council Bluffs, while we lived in a one room cabin with 2 double beds, one bathroom, a crock pot to cook in and three cats . We started one school, but were the "poor kids" and did not fit in well. But, once again, we moved. This time it was a good thing. I was starting in the 9th grade, but at a completely different school. This school was much better, much more acceptable, much less judicial, and critical, and we were not rated as "low class scum" here.

I was finally 14 at this time. My last year before I got to start high school. I was so excited! I was finally growing up, started wearing makeup, fixing my hair, and thinking about the big "B" word ... BOYS !!! We were living in a house fairly near the school, so it was in walking distance. My mom was once again working at one of the truck stops nearby. But money was tight, so my mom bought a truck driver home to live with us to help pay the bills. Well this guy was 28. My mom worked the all night shift at the truck stop, and Terry would be home most nights, and on runs during the days for the most part. Well Terry took quite a liking to me immediately. Now mind you, I had just turned 14. My sister and I shared a bedroom, my brother had one to the left of us, and across the hall was Sue's room (a girl / lady in her early 20s from Indiana), someone that Terry had found hitch hiking one day on his trip out-of-town, and brought to our house to stay with us too. So, that was one more person to help pay the bills. But, to get the bathroom, we had to walk through a little hallway, and we had to go through Sue's room to get there. Then to the left was the bathroom, and then to the right was Terry's bedroom. My mom's room was on the main floor. In between the bathroom and Terry's bedroom was a second door. The door locked from Terry's side of the room, but not from his room into the bathroom. Well at night, once Terry thought all of us kids were sleeping in bed, he would come into my room, and once again, night after night, those infamous "roaming fingers" of yet another guy, would start their traveling. He would come in, with a condom on, already ready for whatever I guess he had hopes for. He would ask me to put on something "sexy." I did not have anything "sexy" because I was 14-years-old, and "sexy" was not something I was thinking about at that point in my life. Heck, just getting my makeup to look good in the morning, and curling my hair before school was as "sexy" as it got. His fingers roamed places that I did not know existed. I used to pray, "Please Lord, let him think that I'm really sleep and go away tonight." Or I'd pray, "Please Lord, let my sister wake up so that she'll make enough noise or something that he'd go away and leave me alone." He never got to the stage where we actually forced full fledged sex on me, but night after night, we went through this ritual. Night after night he would go back to his room, and I would disgustingly cry myself to sleep. Night after night I wished my sister would please just WAKE UP, just this once. But, she never seemed to, or so I thought, until many years later when I found that that she said afraid to let us know that she was awake. I can not blame her for that. I wished I could pretend so he'd leave me alone too, but, that was not the case.

Well one day Sue had asked me to go for a walk with her to talk. So, I did. She started telling me that Terry would come in to her room almost every night and do these "things" to her, ask her to "put on something" sexy, "and his" roaming fingers "would start roaming with her too. it all came out ... I spilled what he had been doing to me as well. entice guys like this. "My fault again. Well Sue, knowing how young I was, ended up telling my mom after all. soooooo much that he could not resist wanting to make love to me. "" Well my mom told him to pack up and get out of our house. "We went to my mom's friend's house for a few days while he moved out and because they were one vacation and needed someone to house sit and care for their pets. So, we stayed there 3 nights and 4 days. to go back to "normal" again. Sue and I felt such great peace having him gone. Then one day, about a week later, my mom said that she had to go to the truck stop because Terry wanted to talk to her about something. So, she left and was gone for several hours. When she came back, she said that Terry had convinced her that he really did do what he had done "because he loved me," and she said that it was a small price to pay since he offered to help pay even more of the bills we had. So, she let him move back in to our house with us. For the first week or two, he was very polite, folded out the chairs for me when we would sit down at the table, and insisted on driving me to school so that he could kiss me good-bye each day to "let people know that I was his. " At this point, I tried to convince myself that okay, maybe he did really love me, and that I should be proud and flattered that someone the age of 28 would like me, a 14-year-old teenage girl.

Well a few more weeks went by and things had gone back to the way they were. My mom would go to work all night, and Terry would once again come back in to my room at nights, with condom in hand, and his steering fingers would once again, starting roaming up and down, up and down. The words he spoke made me sick. And every night, it was the same, I would sickeningly cry myself to sleep because I could no longer deal with this at my age, and I was supposedly to having fun in school, looking forward to my high school years, dances, proms , sports events, etc. But instead, I would not see a future at all. One day, I had enough, and could no longer take it! I know my mom wanted and needed the money, but I could not pretend that I was okay anymore. I was not. I wanted to die. Yes, truly die! If it had not been for the Lord putting in my path a certain girl at school, who I soon became best friends with, and my Science Teacher, which I will never forget and always be grateful for, I might have ended it there. But, God obviously had other plans for me. Just when I thought that He had left me all alone, He provided me with a friend, and a man who not only was my teacher, but one who really cared about me, who knew that I was going through something terrible at home, who wave me compassion, extra time when I just could not concentrate on my assignments, and someone who could make me laugh. I needed that. It brought back hope to me that ALL men did not just want me for sex. That older men were not all perverts, and that God had put him in my life, as my teacher, just in the nick of time.

Today, by God's grace, forgiveness, and compassion, I have been forgiven my blood of the lamb, the Lord Jesus Himself. The person who died on that cross many, many years ago so that I may have life everlasting. The one who dropped me out of the darkness and back in to the light. The one who took away all my hurts and distrusts in men. I thank God that though I had to suffer through those awful times, that I came to learn that it was not my fault that the one guy had been electrocuted and died. That NONE of the things that these four men did to me as a child, were my fault.

To this day, my mother still says, "IF those thing really happened to Kelly, then I guess I should have protected her more." IF those things happened? IF?!?! There is no question that they happened me! My sister once told her that she knows it to be fact because most times she was in the same bed with me, as we almost always shared a bedroom while growing up. I no longer expect that my mother will ever take any responsibility for what I went through. I know that now. I know that I have to forgive her so that Christ can forgive me for my sins. But it is truly, and only by the Grace of God Himself, that I am still here today. It is my prayer that maybe, just maybe, this testimony will help someone else who has been through something similar, or worse, that there is hope in Jesus Christ. You are not alone. It is NOT your fault. Give it to HIM, as His shoulders are strong enough to take it from you and let you now walk freely in His love.

* Names of people have been changed to protect those others who were involved.

4 Simple Ways to Make More Money Through Content Marketing

Can you really make money by simply giving out information online? Hmmm .. interesting question. 5 years ago, I was one of the skeptics. I did not really believe that by sharing what I know to people online, I can make money more than what I made from my regular day job. Sounds impossible, right? But it's one reality in the World Wide Web. One can easily expect huge paychecks by helping people increase their knowledge on their areas of expertise. Excited to get started? Then, make money now by simply knowing the following facts:

First, you can use content marketing to drive qualified prospects to your website. This is the most obvious way to make money using their strategy in the online arena. Hundreds and thousands of internet marketers are actually using this as their primary traffic-generating tool. The process is pretty simple; write articles with resource box where you can include your site's URL and distribute them online. You can also build your own blog, create posts, and again, insert the link to your website. You can write newsletters or publish your own ezine as well to promote awareness. If your readers were extremely happy with the information you gave out and with the quality of your content, they're certainly asking for more. That want will push them to your website.

Sell ​​reports. You do not have an idea as to how many people are more than happy to spend money to learn something. I have lots of friends who are shelling out $ 100 on eBooks about relationships and passive income. If you have certain knowledge on things that can bring huge difference to the lives of people from all points of the globe, I'd suggest that you share your expertise and make money from it. You'll expect better income if you're an expert in internet marketing, banking and finance, relationship, health and beauty, etc. as these are the most in-demand topics these days.

Write how-to guides or free courses. After getting your prospects to sign up to your email marketing list, you'll need to send them something every now and then so they will not forget about you and so you can slowly build trust. Why not send them how-to guides or free courses that you can distribute through the use of your autoresponders? Again, the quality of your content will either make or break your campaign so ensure that everything is perfect before you hit that send button.

Offer paid webinars, teleclass, or teleseminars. If you have good presentation and oral communication skills, take your money-making quest to the next level by offering different type of seminars that you can conduct over the phone or through the internet. As these are more expensive compare to ebooks, ensure that they contain amazing, extremely valuable content. To increase your revenue, have your twins recorded and sell them to your website. Depending on the subject that you¡¯re discussing and the effectiveness of your marketing campaign, you can easily make thousands of dollars from this endeavor alone.

Translation and Technology

The advent of the internet made worlds seemingly apart to become a close knit community. This new technology brought with it the development and creation of so many technologies over the last decades. It will not be uncommon to argument that of all technologies birthed by the advent of the internet that communication is one of if not the most important aspect or barrier that was broken. Developments in Perth, Australia can be accessed in seconds in Paris, group of business men in Tokyo can conference call with partners in San Francisco and the capacities are boundless. Indeed the world has become a global village. Businesses that were able to tap into this new way of communication could now reach a massive audience to showcase their business and market their products, thereby increasing and spending their portfolios.

Of course, with every advantage comes a disadvantage or to put it with decorum a hitch. And in this case, there was the language barrier. As the internet globalized the world in such a leap, the need to be able to communicate to people of different reaches in a language they could understand became an unprecedented need. The American needed to advertise to the Chinese man and they both speak different languages, but how? The French designer needs to showcase to the rest of the world, speaking mostly English, his new designs, how does he accomplish that feat? And so there were many other language conflicts. Surely some who were able to communicate in different languages ​​were able to overcome this issue. For those who were not endowed with such abilities, the need to get translators became inevitable.

Someone might ask how a translator will help me overcome this issue. Translators have really become an underling driving force in the world globalization, making businesses, governments, agencies and individuals in achievement their goals. Be it spreading their businesses across borders, being heard and understood far and wide, decoding many documents et al, the translator is an indispensable tool to achieve such feats. Translators come in various trainings and categories, some are multilingual capable to speak and understand two languages ​​while some are multilingual capable to speak and understand so many languages. No matter your niche and the language audience you want to get across to, there is a qualified and specialized translator to cater to that need. Even when it comes to application localization, today's translators are equal to the task.

Now where do you find such translators and how much do they bill for their services? Well there exists organizations where you can source such services and most times the billing is done according to the type of job and the length of document / book to be translated. Also the language pair matters. For languages ​​which are not common, such as Chinese and other oriental languages ​​where there are a few translators, the billing might be a bit high. For me, my best place to source for translators is Fiverr. Their jobs are all billed for $ 5 which is quite cheaper than sourcing those from big wigs with big names. And the jobs I have sourced there were improbably done. Most of the translations I have sourced were from English to French and vice versa.

Some people will rely on translating applications. No one does it better than a human. Even if one has to use translating applications, such a person must still have a good knowledge of the language he wants his writing translated to. This is because the applications are always full of errors which need to be corrected by a human translator. This tells us that these translating applications can just be an aid.

At the end of it all it is good to say getting a translator to get your job done is indispensable in getting a wide reach and expanding your business in this global village of ours.

I hope this article is informative enough. I will be glad to have inputs and suggestions too.

A Dependable Way on How to Make Money Online From Home

Understanding what a concept is and then running with it, is one of the simplest tricks of making money online from home. Making money from home is something that's not completely new. Because, due to the current trend in technology, it is now easier for both employer and employee to work together from several miles away. This has been the sole reason more companies permit their employees to work and make money online from home.

These businesses, if managed correctly, can bring in lots of money; so, you do not need to go out and look for employment elsewhere. Let's consider some of them.


Lots of internet marketers hire virtual assistants to help them with their business. Most of them are willing to teach you what they want to be done and the tasks they give their virtual assistants range from very simple to complex technical ones. The good thing is you can choose your hours.


Anybody can earn a good amount of money just writing reviews for various reputed companies. Through this option, the person can make money online from home anytime because there are no fixed working hours. Furthermore, there is no fixed qualification required. You can consider taking advantage of this.


The industry of affiliate marketing is the quickest developing way on how to make money online from home. Now you are not the owner of any product, but you're the owner of your own business with little overhead cost and nice profitability. The idea is to refer online shoppers to a particular product and when they buy you get a commission. In order words, you'll get out of it what you put into it. Affiliate marketing gives you the opportunity to target potential customers regardless of their location in the world. And think about a money machine, affiliate marketing is about turning your computer with internet connection into a money machine if you do it right. If you're still wondering about how to make money online from home, affiliate marketing is a great way to go. In my experience this is a real business, with a lot of work, commitment but it's fun and worth it.


The minimum requirement of work at home jobs is a computer and good internet connection. Even if you're not creative or technically sound, there will surely be something for you.

Wiggler - Control Your Own Spacecraft!

Do you enjoy space adventures and controlling diverse vehicles in unusual environments? Wiggler is a free arcade game where the task is to control your own spacecraft traveling around space ports.

Your vehicle appears out of a portal and the main goal is to search for the space key, grab it and come back to the portal using as less time as possible. Regardless of the time you spend for completing the level you get awarded with points afterward. But the faster you manage to do it, the more chances you have to obtain also bonus points to use them for diversity upgrades. The strength and capacities of your spacecraft depend on its rotation and maximum speed, acceleration, the quality of shield and the possibilities of its self-repair.

On the way to the "space key" you will encounter plenty of walls that create obstacles in this free online game. Make sure you do not hit the walls otherwise your shield gets damaged. If they're too many accidents on the way and your shield becomes fragile, the spacecraft gets smashed and blown up. Try not to bump your spacecraft too much.

Sometimes the whole image of location is disclosed only after your start traveling. Your moves should be smooth and accurate enough in order not to damage the vehicle but at the same time fast enough to be able to win the points, just like when you park your car on a busy street!

Both the graphics and animation are not that impressive but this is free arcade game offers the players a nice set of different tasks aimed at training your abilities of accuracy in moving the objects.