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Wednesday, October 3, 2018

The Evolution of Healthcare Mystery Shopping

Patients answer patient satisfaction survey questions based on their perception, and yet there is limited context for the healthcare provider. It leaves one asking the questions - who were they interacting with, what was said, when did it happen, and how capable and reliable was the patient to make those interpretations? So instead of convening a committee to explore the reasons for poor scores, healthcare mystery shopping provides healthcare clients with the research intelligence needed to make real-time improvements.

In an era of value based procurement with a focus on inpatient stays, I have estimated that over 80% of the lives touched by health systems in this country are not patients at all, but rather family members, visitors, prospects, and consumers of everything from equipment to Starbucks. By all means make the patient room environment as clean and silent as possible, communicate effectively with the patient, and ensure that they are fully prepared to be discharged, but the emphasis must still be on the patient's perception. Observations, opinions, and extremely consumer decisions derive from that source.

The elevated importance of patient satisfaction data means that as the data is digested, more and more questions will arise. For instance, a survey will tell you there is a concern with the friendship of the radiology staff. Instead of creating a broad-brush customer service program for the Radiology Department, the logical next step is to determine how the department is being perceived by end-users, what the department's behavioral weaknesses are, and who on the staff is exhibiting those behaviors.

Together patient satisfaction data and healthcare mystery shopping can begin to focus on meaningful solutions that cause providers to say, "We know from patient satisfaction there is a problem and from mystery shopping we know what that problem is and who is primarily responsible."

While it is recommended that managers look for coaching opportunities by observing their employees in action, expecting them to alter the service culture is less likely since - for the most part - they created the culture. Because this type of research is strictly consumer perception, it provides an unbiased view of a department or organization's culture. This gives managers a third party perspective that increases coaching opportunities.

Types of Healthcare Mystery Shopping

From those early days of healthcare mystery shopping, healthcare provider requests have gotten more creative, more targeted, and more sophisticated. For example, a client may request something as all encompassing as a 24-hour inpatient stay in which the shopper is admitted for a 24-hour period to evaluate the patient experience from registration to discharge. Or shoppers may be asked to call physician offices to make appointments with the intent of determining how long it will be before they can be seen tying the research to more efficient use of resources.

In 2008, healthcare mystery shopping received significant national press when the American Medical Association attempted to take up a position on the practice. What was not as reported was the fact that the issue was tabled indefinitely. In fact, it was already the custom of one of the leading providers (prior to the accusation that healthcare mystery shopping was unnecessarily taking up physician time) to utilize what they call process observations. This form of mystery shopping, which is most effective in Emergency Departments, avoids taking up valuable patient time by having a shopper join a patient as a friend as they go through the patient experience.

Two of the most beneficial types of perception research are: 1) shopping the competition, and 2) evaluating individual employees. Call it spying, many do, but it is important to know your competition's culture. For example, what do they believe in and how is it transferred to the patient, and can the anecdotal stories you've heard be verified?

A great deal of value can be derived from conducting evaluations of individual employees. For a number of reasons - cost certainly being a factor - these works best in a departmental environment and gives managers an apples-to-apples comparison of each employee as it pertains to specific standards, ie, is Cindy more likely than Jeff to greet patients immediately (setting up a coaching opportunity for Jeff)? Or, does Jeff do a great job of cross-selling services and should be commended?

Healthcare mystery shopping also gives managers concrete examples of the specific behavior that "turns patients on." This sets up the perfect opportunity to present to staff the behaviors the organization would like emulated while giving kudos to the employee who displays them.

Quantitative and Qualitative Appeal

Healthcare mystery shopping appeals to managers and administrators whether they are left brained (numbers focused) or right brained (narrative focused). On the one hand, mystery shopping is about story telling. Fred Lee wrote in If Disney Ran Your Hospital, "What seems to be a major component of both loyalty and dissatisfaction are stories. Stories are important in articulating the who, what, when, where, and how of the patient or consumer experience. The right brain approach to mystery shopping allows clients to clearly discern the difference between a completely satisfactory experience and all the various facets that went into it, and those elements of an experience that triggered displeasure or frustration. At the same time, healthcare mystery shopping is an effective compliance tool. Standards that are specific to the healthcare industry, and therefore can be benchmarked, are mixed with organizationally specific standards to create a quantitative amalgam that can be data spliced ​​in any way necessary. Healthcare mystery shopping primarily answers the following question - How well does your organization perform on the behaviors and processes you told your people are important? In addition, it lets organizations measure those standards against perception-based goals.

The Flexibility of Healthcare Mystery Shopping

Patient satisfaction surveys are, for the most part, static. They are unchanging for a reason. Conversely, healthcare mystery shopping is much more flexible. It can be designed as a program that measures the same standards or processes over time, or studies can be developed to determine exactly what behaviors or processes are being performed.

Healthcare mystery shopping can also be redirected 'on the fly' if the desired objectives are not being met. For example, to their surprise, a physician practice that was asking shoppers to make appointments found out they were not accepting new patients. Another practice that was evaluating the customer service of their registrars discovered that none of the calls were being answered by a 'live' person. In both instances, the practice put on the brakes until they could fix the issue. One hospital was having shoppers go to their website to look for specific information and then having them request a response. What this uncooperative was that the requests were accumulating on a PC that was not being used. This finding allowed the hospital to avoid upsetting hundreds of consumers who felt they were being rudely ignored.

How does one know if a service initiative is really working? Healthcare mystery shopping is an excellent complement to any service initiative. It can be directed in such a way that it provides real time verification that the initiative is being effective. Anything from a discharge process to valet service can be shopped at various times to ensure that the initiative's message was received and implemented.

Flexibility does not, however, extend to internal programs. Sometimes in the name of saving money, healthcare providers will launch a do-it-yourself program. They attempt to get employees or volunteers to perform the same function that professional healthcare mystery shopping firms do. This rarely if ever works for any duration for obvious reasons. Insiders have internal biases and, since their best intentions, are no longer able to be objective. The other reason this is not effective is that employees (and even volunteers) can think of a million things that should be doing or would rather be doing. And the lack of staying power for a do-it-yourself program puts a tremendous burden on the manager assigned to the tasker.

What Clients are Looking For

Hospitals, health systems and physician practices seek out healthcare mystery shopping providers for a number of reasons. In some cases, they want to validate "good news." For example, one health system client entered into a long-term relationship with the primary goal of proving that their services were superior to the competition that was also shopped. A recent wayfinding study of over 300 'shops' associated for a large hospital on the east coast concluded that less than 76% of their employees received a top box score of five for greeting consumers with a smile. This finding was indicative of a culture that was not treating consumers in 'a personal and memorable way.' However, healthcare mystery shopping afforded them the advantage of validating their original concern, isolating where this concern is most prevalent, and using the shopper's language to convey to staff why greeting people was critically important to overall perception. Much like satisfaction surveys, healthcare mystery shopping is able to monitor improvement over time, but with the added benefit of story telling to pinpoint issues. It can also be instrumental in determining the specific nature of the concern and identifying where weaknesses exist.

A healthcare mystery shopping executive, who is undergoing therapy for breast cancer, wrote in a blog recently, "What matters to healthcare organizations are things like how many steps it takes to check a patient in, scripted greetings for frontline employees, record keeping for correct billing, and clinical training for new safety measures. However, as a patient, I notice if the person checking me in for chemo is smiling and greets me because she cares, not if she delivers a scripted sentence. Next, I notice if the nurses in the chemo area are working as a team and greet me personally (they should know me after two months). But what is most important to me is whether or not the clinical staff is aligned with my recovery goals. "

While this executive may be more attuned to her surroundings than most patients and able to articulate what it means to her, the goal for any healthcare mystery-shopping program is to use the shopper's heightened sense of awareness and ability to effectively communicate their experiences in a way that is clear and concise.

Computer Repair and Maintenance - Because Nothing is Infallible

One of the first things you learn when you get your own personal computer is your computer system can give you hours of enjoyment and help you to explore worlds that you did not know exhausted.

When you make the right choice you'll have a laptop, PC or mobile device that will be both reliable and perform well. However, to get the most from any computing experience you need to be aware of the fact that nothing is infallible and computer maintenance will be required on an ongoing basis.

Computer Repair And Maintenance Can Be Proactive

In short that means that part of your computing experience and education should be that you become familiar with the right kind of computer maintenance necessary to help your new system perform as new for as long as possible. A little research on the internet will reward you as you'll discover websites that can not only provide you with a variety of different services you should have a problem, but can also help you become more computer maintenance proactive and Pc savvy so that you can avoid many pitfalls before they even happen.

This also means that you'll get to know what to look for in any computer repair service that you may need to employ if you prefer not to carry out computer repairs and maintenance yourself.

To help you along here is a list of the prerequisites you should be looking for.

* PC maintenance is essential. Like anything else that you own, making sure your computer is in good working order is essential to get the most from any machine. That's why you need to look for a service they can offer features like spyware and adware removal and even a guide on how to fix a slow computer.

* You also want to find a website that can advise on other computer maintenance aspects that typically get overlooked when it comes to your computer, for example the importance of a thorough cleaning.

* Software. Additionally you need to find a website that has a comprehensive approach to self help computer repair and maintenance. For example: what you need to know about important things like antivirus software, what it can do for you and how it can help to keep your system running smoothly and secure.

* Online support. Ideally your chosen provider will also offer a 24 hour remote support service because lets face it, not all problems during business hours.

Of course there are several other factors that you need to look at to make sure that you have a comprehensive computer repair company working with you, one major factor for example is data recovery.

Data recovery services are one of the most essential and underestimated ingredients that you'll need to have access to, and the reason is simple when you stop to think about it. Whether you're a home user or a small business, your data is your most critical element and the one that you want to keep safe at all costs.

A sensible computer repair website therefore will also have a comprehensive data solutions services section that can advise on the many aspects of disaster and data recovery, and even online backup services so you can ensure that your data data will be kept nice and safe and always be available to you.

Docker - An Introduction to the Application Deployment Tool

It is an application development platform that wraps a piece of software in a complete file system. It packs an application into a deployable unit with all its dependencies. It contains everything that an application requires to run including runtime environment, system tools, and libraries. With all the required components, the application guarantees the same behavior regardless of the environment where it is running.

It lets you quickly assemble applications from its components and eliminates the rasping while shipping and deploying code. With Docker, you can test and deploy your application into production in the fastest possible way. The core features are described below.

  • It allows deploy and scale software applications more easily.
  • It has containers that run on almost each platform. Docker containers can be deployed on desks, physical servers, virtual machines, data centers, and clouds as well.
  • It allows you to move your application from a testing environment into the cloud or production and whenever you require.
  • It is light weight; therefore, scaling up and down is fast and easy.
  • It allows you to quickly launch more containers when needed and then shut them down easily when they're no longer needed.
  • It does not need hyper-visor and allows you to run more workloads on hosts.
  • It allows you to easily make lots of small changes instead of huge, big bang updates. Therefore, smaller changes mean reduced risk and more uptime.
  • It runs containers in isolation from each other. Therefore, one application can not disturb another application.

The Docker engine is responsible for creating and running Docker containers. It is a lightweight and powerful open source container that enables virtualization for building and shipping software applications. Containers have similar resource isolation and allocation benefits as virtual machines. However, containers use different architectural approach for enabling resource isolation and allocation that offer more efficient use of resources in comparison to virtual machines.

Docker Hub is the cloud-based repository. It enables building and shipping service containers or applications. Using Docker Hub, programmers can host and manage Docker images. In addition, it offers a centralized resource for managing container images, distribution and change management, workflow automation, and team collaboration.

Core features and functions of the hub repository are described as follows.

  • Image Repositories : Allow you to manage, find, push and pull images from community, official, and private image libraries.
  • Automated Builds : Accommodate changes automatically and creates new images whenever you make changes to a source GitHub or Bit bucket repository.
  • Web hooks : Allow programmers to trigger actions after a successful push to a repository.
  • Organizations : Allow to manage access of image repositories by creating groups.
  • GitHub and Bit bucket Integration : Allow programmers to add the GitHub and Docker images to the current workflows.

Home Business Opportunity Online - Let's Talk About Affiliate Marketing

There are certainly tons of ads you can find about starting a home business opportunity online and building a business from home online is a real option these days.

I want to talk about affiliate marketing because it truly is the very best and easiest way for anyone looking for a home business opportunity online.

Affiliate marketing has absolutely nothing to do with selling and anyone that is successful in this business will tell you the worst thing you can ever try to do is sell. This is perfect for those people that will say right away "I do not want to sell"

So, forget selling because we do not want to do that.

Let us now dissect these two words ... affiliate and marketing.

Sounds really technical does it not?

What is an affiliate?

An affiliate is nothing more than someone who partners with a company that is selling products and services online. there are thousands of companies that offer "affiliate partner programs" you can join absolutely free and the merchant will pay you for sending customers there way.

Now we know that "affiliate" means a partner to a company that wants help selling more online. Notice I said the company is selling more online. Leave the selling to the company.

An affiliate really does nothing more than help people looking for things online to find the companies providing what they want. Sounds simple and it really is once you know some very basic and free techniques of finding people online that want or need what your partner is selling.

Now we know about "affiliate" so let is talk about that word "marketing"

I do not really like this word in the context of what we are doing but it does represent the fact that we are helping our partner companies "market" what they are selling.

It is a word that people usually refer to having to sort sort of formal "marketing training" to be able to understand. This is true to an amount but the training is something anyone can get and apply very easy.

What we are really doing is identifying segments of people that would be interested in what our partner companies have to offer by researching online search trends and placing information in front of those people via search engines.

If you are looking for a home business opportunity that is rapidly growing yet still very young as a business then affiliate marketing may be the approach you want to take.

This is a home business opportunity online that can be started very cheap and even without any money at all using a wealth of free tools online. Anyone can learn and apply the techniques required to make money with affiliate marketing.

It is without a doubt the fastest growing legitimate home business opportunity online today.

Nokia N73: New Generation Music Phone

The Nokia N73 is a sleek and stylish 3G mobile phone and a member of N-series. Nokia N73 is a music edition as it has digital music player that supports different file formats and stereo FM radio to listen the music of your radio station. The mobile phone weighs 116g and measures 110x 49x 19 mm. The handset is endowed with latest technology and user friendly too.Almost all Nokia mobile phones are technologically advanced and more popular all around the world.

The new N-series mobile phones have revolutionized the communication world. It not only serves well for communication rather you can be in touch with the world with the latest technology like mobile Internet, video calling, etc. you can also enjoy latest music and the java games of your choice anytime-anywhere. Show your inner skill and enjoy photography with 3.2 mega pixel camera having 2x digital zoom. Features like mechanical shutter and auto-focus reduce distortion and helps in taking sharp photos. Capture special moments with your handset and share it with your friends and family. The handset is endowed with video features that allow you to record, play and stream video.

The video feature is having video stabilization which assists you to record a smooth channel without any hand whilst recording. You can share your video and photos using Nokia XpressShare that allow you to send the file via Bluetooth, email or MMS. You can also use XpressShare to transfer video and photos between the Nokia N73 and a compatible PC. Add fun in your life with built-in music player and stereo speakers. Experience the world of music with Nokia N73 handset. You can play music in many formats such as MP3, AAC, eAAC, EAAC +, and WMA. With equalizer in the music player, you can create music playlists for easy search. Also enjoy your favorite radio station on the integrated FM radio.With many other features like mobile Internet, Bluetooth, quad band network, connect with the world anytime and anywhere.
Nokia N73

Subwoofers - Complete Your Car Entertainment System

Car Audio Subwoofers are perhaps the most sought after products today and stand second only to the car market. These subwoofers provide that extra edge to your car audio which transforms an irritating city drive into a soothing experience. The quality of bass in Car Audio Subwoofers is a must if you wish to rock your car with its deep resonation. So be sure to take a test before going in for one of these. It is going to tell you weather the subwoofer is complimenting the sound of your car audio or not. If yes, things look good for you, if not-don't get disheartened as there are plenty of subwoofers available that can fulfill your needs. So be patient and make the best choice.

A Car Audio Subwoofer is a perfect choice if it compliments your vehicle the way it ideally should. If we go in details, we would agree with the fact that a suitable car subwoofer is bound to provide the required bass effect, for if it fails to deliver, the car audio can well do without one. So make sure that you do a check on your Car Audio Subwoofer before buying one. I mean, run a voice check.

If you want that your audio is in sync with the latest designs and styles then make sure that you go in for a subwoofer which qualifies as per the above requirements, for if it doesn't, you are in for a complete loss. Surely, you would not like your brand new Chevrolet to appear silly by adding a hundred year old subwoofer to its interior.

Always check the durability of a subwoofer. If a Car Audio Subwoofer is really as good as it appears to be, then the quality of raw material used is going to be the best in the business. In order to get to the truth, simply take the advice of an expert and then decide whether to choose a subwoofer or leave it.

If we take all the points into consideration, we can never go wrong in our decision making and would always find a suitable subwoofer to add that missing spice to our existing car audios.

Computer IT Support to Solve Your IT-Related Problems

Most people consider computer IT support really helpful to solve their computer and IT problems. Heaps of people use computers, but when it comes to solving problems with the tools that use - the hardware and software - that's when it gets complicated. And as you may have known, almost every computer has experienced at least one problem.

Of course, IT support services cost money and occasionally, the service you get is not worth the money and you decide it would have been better to try solving the problem by yourself. It is sometimes worth a go solving problems yourself before call ing in an expert.

Try Solving the Problem Yourself First

Some people are so lost when it comes to computers, that they should locate IT support straight away no matter what. But for many people, what they do not know is that some computerís problem can be solved easily, and here are some tips ...

- Reboot your computer. It can simply solve some problem, especially when your computer is not responding.

- Check if your device is plugged in properly

- If you are using laptop, check your battery

- Update your Antivirus program and scan up your computer. If you do not have any antivirus software installed on your computer, you need to immediately install it as some viruses are dangerous and can cause severe computer error and damage.

- Install computer maintenance software. This software will help you scan for a disk error and fix it, troubleshoot registry problems, optimize your PC, and much more.

- Almost every Operating System provides Help containing general information and some problem solving tips. Have a look first before deciding to get a professional help.

How to Choose the Best Computer IT Support

You need to remember that there are many computer IT support services that you can hire. But unfortunately, not many people know how to get the best service and most would just call up a random one to solve their problem. That random service you hire could be too expensive and charge you high for just a small problem. Or, they could be low skilled, and not completely solve your problem. In the end, you would just end up spending your money to some unworthy services. That is why you need to smartly choose a computer IT support to help you solve your computer problems.

Here are some tips for you:
- Check your Guarantee. That is the first thing you need to do when needing a professional help for your computer or IT problems. If a guarantee is still available, you can get a free service.

- Search information thoroughly about some computer IT support. You need to check out their specialty, their procedure, their fee, costumer reviews, etc. Therefore, you can compare one to another before deciding which one gives the best service.

- Get a referral. Ask your friends or neighbors, whether they have experienced a computer problems and get a good professional service for it. If you know there were some people being satisfied by one specific support, you can feel sure that you will get a good service for that one.

- A good computer IT support company will explain to you what kind of problem your computer had, and how they are going to fix it. If it's a small problem, they'll tell you how to fix it, just in case the problem occurs again next time.